Wednesday 21 March 2012

York Stories

York Stories is a community project for York 800 celebrations which aims to encourage people to tell and share stories that are personal and unique to the city of York.
A York story could be about your childhood, school, work, friends, family, social life or something of personal interest to you.
It could be about an event such as a festival, a sporting or community event which reflects your own personal experience as long as York is at the heart of the story.
The idea is essentially to capture a moment in time to tell your story whether it’s reflecting upon the past, present or future.
Contributions to York stories will go towards a unique social media archive for the city archives and provide the inspiration for original art work by artist Kane Cunningham. The stories will also be embedded into the city walls for prosperity.

There will also be an online social media platform, workshops, projects, events and features on BBC Radio York and York Press throughout the year.

We want all parts of the community to get involved, all ages and people from all faiths, cultures, groups or backgrounds.
You can use whatever you want to tell your York story. You can use words, music, voice, audio, digital media, video, poetry, letters, lyrics in a song, a play, a blog or even a tweet. (text message?).
This is a once in a lifetime chance to be part of something special.
In 200 years time it could be you who becomes the story from 2012 discovered in the future as a voice or an image from the past telling your York Story.
Everyone has a story to tell so what’s your story?
York Stories will be launched on Thursday 29th March.

If you have a York Story, find out more or get involved in York Stories contact:

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